Experience RRC Through Others
Reston Radiology Consultants is proud to share the kind words of past patients. We strive to provide the best patient experience, each and every opportunity.
Please hover over the rectangular boxes below for the full verbiage.
MRI and PET of Reston
"There's magic..."
"I am writing to tell you of the outstanding experience I had at MRI of Reston. This is nothing new; over the years I have been fortunate to have had top-notch treatment and courtesy from all the staff. Your technologist showed a true caring quality, just a little extra 'TLC that was so natural, this was the most cared for I have ever felt!
In summary, there is a magic at your Reston facility..."
"Professionalism, skill, and tenacity..."
Fair Oaks Imaging Center
"Dear Dr. Cassar,
In January I came into the center for a routine chest x-ray. You thought you saw something out of place so you asked Dr. Mattes to order a CT scan (you even called her on her cell to follow up). As a result, a carcinoid tumor was discovered in my right lung. I had it removed two weeks ago with a clean pathology report (thank God). I attribute the discovery of the tumor to Dr. Mattes' sharp intuition and your skillful reading of the x-ray.
Thank you very for caring enough to follow up and facilitate the necessary steps to deal with the tumor. Apparently it was slow growing and had been there a while. I also thank you for your professionalism, skill and tenacity in my case.
S. M."
"Comfortable and relaxed..."
Loudoun Imaging Center-Ashburn
"To the the Staff at Loudoun Imaging Center,
My name is Sheila. On October 15th I had three test done at your center.I would like to thank the following employees:
Jorie (Front Desk)
Jenn (Ultrasound)
Lisa (Dexa Scan)
Chrystal (Mammogram)
Before coming in for the tests I had some "anxiety" about having all three tests done atone time. Everyone made me feel comfortable and relaxed. Each and every one of you is truly an asset to your company."
"Exceptionally helpful..."
Fair Oaks Imaging Center
"Please be aware of the fact that your front desk staff have been exceptionally helpful, passionate and caring. They have helped me on several occasions and have gone out of their way to help me. I appreciate their hard work."
"Warm, kind, and devoted..."
Fair Oaks Imaging Center
I have had several horrific radiological experiences in the past and was terrified when I went to your office yesterday for a mammogram. Absolutely EVERYONE [at FOIC], from the woman who made the appointment, to the receptionists and the techs, could not have been more warm, kind and seemingly fully devoted to putting me at ease. The technologist is to be especially commended for her patience and wonderful attitude. As a result, my appointment was not the least bit frightening or even clinical. I truly felt comfortable and my entire experience was a good one.
"Great service..."
Loudoun Imaging Center-Ashburn
"I want to say thank you so very much for your staff that helped me today... I am so, so grateful for your staff and no doubt that they are doing a great service."
"Painless & comforting..."
Loudoun Imaging Center-Ashburn
"I had my mammo done in your office today and had a different experience. Your technician performed the study and I walked out after a painless and comforting exam. I now have a new perspective on mammograms and do not feel the fear before my exam. Your tech knows her job and does it right!"
"Keeping me calm..."
Fair Oaks Imaging Center
"I just wanted to say thank you from my husband and myself. I really thank the ladies at the front desk for keeping me calm. Ms. Leslie, I thank you for talking and laughing with me. Dr. Grimm for making feel better before you started the process. Again, thank you and god bless you.
"Feeling uplifted..."
MRI and PET of Reston
"To an MRI tech:
Thank you so much for your kindness during my MRI visit. You made the experience so much better, and I came away from the exam feeling uplifted about people in general. I really appreciate how much care you put into your work.
Thank you."
"Kindness and Generosity..."
Fair Oaks Imaging Center
"Thank you all so much for taking good care of my good friend who was recently diagnosed with Lymphoma. So much has happened in a short time and your kindness and generosity has made it a little easier. Thank you Dr. Grimm, Lisa, Melissa, Jessica, Camille, Clayton and the rest of the great staff at Fair Oaks Imaging Center. Please continue doing the great work you do.
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